Laminate Flooring: The Ideal Flooring for Allergy Sufferers

There’s a common misconception that carpet in the home is the biggest cause of allergies. In fact, it’s actually dust mites that could be the problem. Dust mites are tiny creatures that live in house dust and are too small to be seen by the naked eye. They are a common source of allergens that can cause asthma, rhinitis and other respiratory problems.

Dust mites feed on the dead skin that falls from our bodies. They live in every home, but thrive in warm, humid environments where there is lots of human skin to feed on. It’s estimated that the average person sheds approximately 2g of skin every day. Dust mites can multiply quickly and be found in the fabric of most furniture, especially upholstered furniture, bedding and carpets. To remove dust mites from your home, you must remove the dust they feed on. Regular vacuuming and dusting will help to reduce their numbers. But if you’re looking for a more permanent solution, laminate flooring is an excellent choice.

As an allergy sufferer you know that you need to avoid anything that will cause you to start sneezing and blowing your nose. Dust is the most common culprit in causing allergies and you will want to make sure that you get rid of it as much as possible. You can do this by vacuuming a lot and sweeping regularly. However, you may not be able to avoid all the allergens that are in your house and you will want to make sure that you have something on the floor that is going to reduce the allergens that are present. The solution to this is to install laminate flooring in your house. This is the ideal flooring for allergy sufferers and you will be amazed at just how much it can reduce the allergens that are present in your house.

laminate flooring in New Hyde Park, NY is made out of wood and it has a plastic coating on it that makes it very smooth. This means that it is not going to absorb any dust or allergens and it will be much easier to clean. You will also find that it is much more durable than carpeting and it will last a lot longer. This means that you will not have to replace it as often and you will save money in the long run.

If you are looking for the ideal flooring for your house then laminate flooring is the way to go. You will be amazed at the difference that it can make to the allergens that are present in your house and you will not have to worry about replacing it as often.